Changes from webEditor 0.2 to webEditor 0.3 (5/4/2001)
- New platform supported (Caucho Resin).
- Added online configuration edition.
- Added HTML rich content edition (only IE users).
- Improved XML document handling.
Changes from webEditor 0.1 to webEditor 0.2 (3/31/2001)
- Added HTML exportation.
- Added support for image manipulation.
- New build facility.
- New "war" build task.
- New configuration interface.
- Fixed a couple of deprecation warning messages.
webEditor 0.1 Feature List (1/18/2001)
- Online content Edition.
- Home Page operations.
- webEditor development framework.
To-do Tasks for future webEditor releases
- Modules support.
- Database Support.
- User administration.
- Weblog features.
- Full customizable Portal software.