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Generic Installation



webEditor is a servlet, so the thing that you really need is an HTTP server and a Servlet Engine. If you have all this software installed and running, the only thing that last is to install and set up webEditor.

As the applications follows the standard servlet API (version 2.0) theoretically you can install it in almost all the servlet engines that are available. At the present time, webEditor has been tested using the Apache Group two servlet engines, Apache Jserv 1.1.2 and Jakarta Tomcat 3.2.1 (both the latest stables releases). It has also been tested under Caucho Technologies engine, Resin 1.2 .


Generic installation

As webEditor is a servlet, there are a certain number of tasks that you have to perform for the installation. The ways in which you can perform these tasks differ from one servlet engine to another.

You could find detailed instructions for the installation in the following documents:

webEditor installation under Apache Jserv 1.1.2

webEditor installation under Jakarta Tomcat 3.2.1

webEditor installation under Caucho Resin 1.2

The generic steps that you have to take are:

  • Add the needed libraries to your Servlet Engine CLASSPATH

webEditor depends on the following software libraries:

Xalan version 1.2.2 (XSL transformation libraries)

Xerces version 1.2.3 (XML parser)

Jakarta Regexp version 1.2 (Regular expressions library)

O'Reilly Servlet package (general propose servlet library)

You could find all this libraries under the lib directory of your webEditor distribution.

Under Jserv, you also need to add to your Servlet engine classpath the webEditor software package, placed into bin/webEditor.jar.

  • Create a servlet zone called webEditor

Doing this, you can access webEditor with the same URL, independently of whatever servlet engine that you use.

  • Setting up a servlet variable called wEd_root

This variable will point to the webEditor installation path.

  • Create an alias into your Web Server called editor_1

As webEditor needs a certain number of external files (graphics, css templates, etc), is better to set up a generic alias for all this files. webEditor can handle an unlimited number of different editors. Editor_1 is only the name that we have choose for our sample web content editor.

  • Grant write access to the needed files

During the edition and composition operations, webEditor creates and modifies certain files under your $local_editor/data/news directory. You must grant write access for the webEditor OS user (usually the same as your web server user).